Saturday, March 23, 2013

Getting It Together

Hello all!  Just a quick note that I will be resuming regular posting (or at least semi-regular) tomorrow.  Hopefully with my spring break coming up this week I'll be able to get ahead on the comics I want to read so I won't always be so behind.  Also, if you've noted that some of the newer reviews seem to have changed, you're not going insane.  Upon further reflection, I decided I only needed three levels of recommendation for my blog, not four.  After all, having two medium ratings is sort of redundant.  Sorry for any confusion, and for once again letting life get in the way, but I hope you like what we have coming up.  So stay tuned for an X-Men Christmas in the style of Dickens (no...really), The Hunt for Xavier, and a roadtrip to Russia for the male X-Men in X-Men: Liberators