Sunday, June 10, 2012

Alpha Flight #9

Alpha Flight #9
Writing: Steve Seagle
Art: Roger Cruz

What Went Down:  Alpha Flight’s supervisor General Clarke, who bears an uncanny resemblance to DC’s Lex Luthor, is overseeing Alpha Flight through the robot Manbot’s cameras.  In the cockpit of their Alphajet, the team discusses how they need to keep a low profile to avoid sparking an international incident in the U.S.  They are supposedly tracking Wolverine through his adamantium skeleton, although all the fans know this is a lie because Wolverine doesn’t have adamantium bones any more.  They also discuss the video footage they saw of Wolverine killing Madison Jeffries.

Back at Department H, an aide interrupts General Clarke, saying it’s about a new harvest named Lilli.  Clarke calms the Lilli, who is trying to escape, and insists she can leave at any time.  She is then sedated under the pretense of removing a security mark.

We get the same scenes from Uncanny #355 of Wolverine confronting the team, with some minor added dialogue between the Alpha Flight characters.  Clarke observes that Wolverine smells Guardian, and the audio and video cut out for a moment.  After Wolverine drives off, we get to see an argument between the members of Alpha Flight before Guardian flies off to confront him.

There is an interlude with the mutant Sunfire talking on the phone with someone.  He reveals that he has been in Canada getting treated by Dr. Huxley, and he has discovered he is dying of radiation poisoning.

The fight between Wolverine and Alpha Flight occurs exactly as it did in Uncanny #355 with Rogue flying by and retrieving the X-Men to help Wolverine, except of course the art is a little different.  The one difference is that we get to see what Murmur saw when she examined Maggott’s mind…it’s a dark room with lots of tentacles in it.  Cannonball and Flex stop the fight, and General Clarke demands to be informed when the team arrives.

How It Was:  I don’t really know how to label this one.  It’s not so much a crossover as a reinterpretation of the same events from a different team’s point of view.  That’s actually a really interesting idea, and in a story where both sides have competing agendas, this format would work pretty well.  Given that Alpha Flight’s members are so clearly in the wrong in both issues, it’s not quite as effective.  The worst offense of all is that this issue isn’t solicited at all in Uncanny #355.  If you’re going to try to cash in on the popularity of the X-Men, wouldn’t a good place to start be to tell X-Men fans to buy this comic?

As for the different perspective, the majority of this issue is a scene for scene rehash of Uncanny #355.  Most of the different scenes are just exposition setting up why Alpha Flight is after Wolverine, which was already clearly defined in the beginning.  I will admit to being somewhat intrigued about the overall conspiracy driving the plot.  Parts of it make me think that it might be a precursor to the plot of the Weapon X ongoing in the mid-2000s, although that certainly can’t be the case.  The only problem with this is that Clarke is such a generic evil military-type that I don’t have much faith in this going anywhere ambitious.  However I do like the setup of Sunfire dying of radiation poisoning, although it feels like that might belong more in an X-Men comic.

We do get to see a little more of the dynamics of the Alpha Flight team.  Younger James Hudson isn’t an uncontested leader, Radius has problems with lots of team members, and Manbot is a spy directly under Department H’s control.  Oddly enough, plot points from the X-Men issue aren’t explained for the sake of Alpha Flight readers; nobody ever mentions that Sauron is the one in the bag, and the reveal of Maggott’s mind being just a room of tentacles is a real let down.  I don’t even think the issue explains who the X-Men are or defines their members like the Uncanny issue clearly defined Alpha Flight.  The art’s good, although the coloring is a little dark and muddy at times. 

This is just a weird experiment that was poorly executed.  It might’ve made more sense as a two-part crossover, but it feels weird to have these two teams come together and then have no real resolution.  I can’t say that the story makes me feel strongly about either of the teams; it feels really abrupt and rushed. 


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